Chinese anti-monopoly law is still imperfect, For this reason need to make more detailed provisions in the standard of essential decrease market competition, market defining and so on. 而我国对反垄断方面的法律问题规定还很不完善,为此需在实质减少市场竞争标准、市场份额等方面做出更细致的规定。
Every country has such rules, but detailed provisions vary. 每个国家都有这类规则,但具体内容各有不同。
Both responsibilities are governed by detailed provisions of the APA. 这两种职责都受《行政程序法》详尽的条款规定的制约。
It may also consider the detailed provisions of the bill and propose amendments relevant to the bill. 法案委员会也会审议法案的详细条文,并提出修订。
NOTE& The term capability is used to describe a set of related detailed provisions of this standard. 注意:能力这个词用来描述本标准的相关细节规定。
The decision came after China and Japan, which are both moving toward International Financial Reporting Standards, complained that the detailed provisions of IAS 24 were either unworkable or unclear. 国际会计准则理事会作出此项决定之前,正向采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS)过渡的中国和日本抱怨称,国际会计准则第24号的具体条款要么不可行,要么不明确。
China Criminal Law 1979 has already stipulated the crime of dereliction in explicit terms, and during the revision to the Criminal Law in 1997, some changes have been made concerning the legislative mode and detailed provisions of the crime. 我国1979年刑法就对玩忽职守罪予以明文规定,1997年刑法修订时,又对该罪的立法模式和具体规定进行了修改。
Possessory liens under civil laws have detailed provisions, while in the aspect of possessory liens on ships, which are different from the former because of the particularity of maritime law. 我国民法上对留置权的规定较为详细,但在船舶留置权方面,由于《海商法》自身的特殊性,使其与民法上的留置权存在一定差异。
Among this law, we should make detailed provisions for each part of OEM, to promote the development of OEM in China as well as we can. 其中应对OEM生产方式各个环节涉及到的法律问题进行明确详细的规定,以满足司法实践的需要,有效地解决因OEM生产所造成的各种纠纷,更好地促进我国OEM行业的蓬勃发展。
Made detailed provisions which the jurisdiction of Pollution from Ships. 其中对船舶污染的管辖权问题作了详细的规定。
About the bankruptcy liquidation system," bankruptcy law "has made detailed provisions to it, the study of the system has been relatively thorough in academia, and there are nearly no problems exiting in judicial practice. 关于破产清算制度,《破产法》对其作了详尽的规定,并且学术界对该制度的研究也比较深入,在司法实践中存在的问题较少。
Furthermore, we should strictly regulate the budget amendment procedure. Make detailed provisions in the proposed budget amendment, deliberation and voting procedure. Set on the system of budget debate, hearings and question. 在此之外,还应严格规范预算修正程序,对预算修正的提议、审议和表决程序作出详尽的规定,设置对预算案的辩论、听证和质询制度。
The relevant content of consumers 'right to know also has more detailed provisions in this law. 消费者知情权的相关内容也在该法律中有较详细的规定。
European and American countries, including our close to South Korea, Japan, made the principle of a more systematic and detailed provisions. 欧美多个国家,包括我们的近邻韩国、日本都对该项原则作出了较为系统详细的规定。
In the Anglo-American legal system, the United States has a variety of system fully protect the rights of the inventor, such as trade unions system; Britain attaches great importance to the invention the compensation, the compensation made detailed provisions. 英美法系中,美国有各种制度充分维护发明者的权益,如工会制度;英国非常重视对职务发明者的补偿,对补偿做了细致的规定。
The introduction of a comprehensive law requires not only detailed provisions, but also discussing from the theoretical value. 一部完备的法律的出台不仅需要细致的条文,更需要从理论价值上进行讨论。
In order to implement the Regulation, the Ministry of Transportation has promulgated a series of detailed Provisions. 为了保证该条例的实施和执行,交通运输部陆续颁布了具体的管理规定。
At last, it puts forward the standpoint which China should adopt and analyzes the detailed provisions of commercial transactions, torts, submission to jurisdiction and arbitration agreements. 最后,根据前文的对比分析、评论提出我国在立法时应当采取的立场,尤其是在商业交易、侵权行为、自愿接受管辖和仲裁协议等非管辖豁免事项上的具体规定。
Ship and crew, the four pillars of international maritime treaties, have made detailed provisions on maritime safety, marine environment, and crew protection of the rights. 四大支柱性国际海事条约以船舶和船员为中心,对海上安全、海洋环境以及船员权益的保护都做出了详细规定。
Although the revised Company Law, before the revision of the company law and compared, on the transfer of shares of limited liability company system to make a more detailed provisions, but also easy to operate. 虽然修订后的《公司法》对和修订前公司法规定相比,对有限责任公司股权转让制度做出了更加详细的规定,也更易操作性。
The regulations made some more detailed provisions on enterprises business qualifications, assigning responsibility, government services, determined the legal nature of the assignment services, too. 《条例》中关于企业的经营资格、外派企业责任、政府服务做了较详细规定,也确定了外派劳务的法律性质。
In these specific rights and obligations, China should make detailed provisions, in order to obtain the rights and obligations are clear, makes possession system more operational. 在这些具体的权利义务方面,我国应该进行细化的规定,以求得权利义务明确,使得占有制度更具有可操作性。
This is the first financial instrument standards, detailed provisions on the classification of financial instruments, recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of financial instruments to fill the country criteria in the development and operational gaps. 这是我国第一部金融工具准则,详细规定了关于金融工具的分类、确认、计量、列报和披露,填补了我国在金融工具准则的制定和操作方面的空白。
Environmental criminal procedure, criminal law for environmental criminal cases convicted standards should be detailed provisions, so that accurate conviction. 环境刑事诉讼方面,刑法对于环境刑事案件的定罪标准应该详细的规定,以便准确定罪。
Because of no detailed provisions in the legislation for the rights of the spouses of shareholders in equity transfers, it has led to that the judges can not know what to do in the hearing this type of cases. 由于立法对股东配偶在股权转让中享有的权利并没有详细的规定,导致了法官在审理这种类型的案件中无所适从。
We should take the opportunity of the Code of Criminal Procedure amending, make further detailed provisions, and establish a relatively rational system of criminal search. 我国应当借刑事诉讼法再修改的契机,对刑事搜查制度作进一步详细的规定,建立一个相对合理的刑事搜查制度。
Firstly, in the Tang Dynasty there were detailed provisions on the auspicious memorial. 首先,梳理了唐代律令对祥瑞奏报的详细规定。
Evidence for the opinions of ordinary witnesses, many countries have adopted the "general plus exceptions" mode, and exceptions were made to the detailed provisions. 对于普通证人的意见证据,采纳许多国家都采用的一般加例外的模式,并且对例外情形作了详细的规定。